PPC Client Performance Reports:
Give Clients Direct Access to Current and Historical Advertising Insights

Shape's PPC Client Performance report

Ensuring clients have access to their live PPC data is extremely useful for keeping clients up-to-date on how their campaigns are currently performing and pacing. But, it’s equally important to provide historical performance data in order to give clients context and insight into how you're working to improve their results over time.

Much like Shape’s agency-wide Company Performance Report (which shows current and historical performance metrics for all clients an agency manages), we wanted to offer the same level of insight at the client level. That’s why, as part of our PPC reporting software launch, we created the Client Performance Report.

The Client Performance Report displays performance and spend metrics for a single client in Shape. Whoever is using the report, whether it’s an agency team member or the client themselves, can view data for historical and current date ranges. Viewers can simply and easily visualize how metrics such as spend, conversions, and conversion rates have changed over time. The report also allows the viewer to segment performance by dimensions such as ad network and ad channel which helps provide for even more granular insight into budget and campaign performance.

Launch a Client Performance Report

Screenshot of Shape's PPC Client Performance Report with live client data

By completing four simple steps, you can launch a Client Performance Report for any of your clients in under a minute.

  • Step #1 - Navigate to your Shape Dashboard and click any of your clients.
  • Highlights where to click to select a specific client to pull a PPC Client Performance report for

  • Step #2 - Once on the Client View, select the graph icon in the “Tools” toolbar.
  • Highlights where to click in Shape interface to access client-level PPC reports

  • Step #3 - On the Client Reports page, click “Client Performance Report”.
  • The client-level reports page where Shape users can access the PPC Client Performance report

  • Step #4 - Log in to Google if you’re asked to do so. Then click “Open Report” to go directly to the report.
  • The form where Shape users enter their contacts' email addresses to share the Live Budget Performance Report with them

For more detail on launching and sharing client-level reports, as well as the rest of our In-Platform Reports, check out the In-Platform Reports section in Shape’s Knowledge Base.

Who Should I Share the Client Performance Report with?

Clients! The Client Performance Report is a dashboard that displays PPC performance and spend data for a given client in Shape. As part of the launch, we've also added a Live Client Dashboard.

We highly encourage you to generate and share client-level reports with each of your clients individually. Doing so allows your clients to monitor how their Budgets and campaigns are performing against their targets on an ongoing basis. Best of all, since the dashboard automatically refreshes every day, clients don’t need to request reports every reporting cycle.

Both the Live Client Dashboard and Client Performance Report are helpful to share with your clients (or coworkers) who don’t have access to Shape, but who would find current and historical PPC performance data useful.

How To Launch Your Own:


More about Shape Reports:

What are In-Platform Reports?

Launching In-Platform Reports

Accessing In-Platform Reports (for Non-Shape Users)

Company-Level In-Platform Reports

Client-Level In-Platform Reports

Budget-Level In-Platform Reports

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