PPC Client Dashboards:
The Easiest Way to Communicate Live Performance Results Directly to Customers

Shape's Live Client Dashboard

For digital advertisers, building strong relationships with clients isn’t just about delivering competition-crushing results (although it certainly doesn’t hurt). Communication is critical to keeping clients aware of how their PPC campaigns are performing, what new opportunities are on the horizon, and what actions are being taken when campaigns aren’t performing optimally. Regular PPC performance reporting plays a huge role in building trust and open communication with clients.

Unfortunately, PPC performance reporting can be exceptionally time consuming and manual depending on how many clients an agency has, how many ad platforms they run campaigns on, and what reporting tools they have at their disposal. And, if clients have questions about performance in between reporting periods (which are typically monthly or bi-weekly), a PPC advertiser may have to drop everything to re-pull the data or face an unhappy client.

The Live Client Dashboard was launched as part of our in-platform PPC reporting software suite in order to solve three key problems:

  • 1. Help agencies generate and share cross-platform PPC performance dashboards with their clients with the click of a button.

  • 2. Refresh performance data daily so reports are always up to date.

  • 3. Provide our customers’ clients insight into the data their agency uses in Shape to manage performance and pace ad spend.

Launch a Live Client Dashboard

Screenshot of Shape's Live Client Dashboard which show live PPC performance data at the client-level

By completing four simple steps, you can launch a Live Client Dashboard for any of your clients in under a minute.

  • Step #1 - Navigate to your Shape Dashboard and click any of your clients.
  • Highlights where to click in the Shape dashboard to navigate to a client view

  • Step #2 - Once on the Client View, select the graph icon in the “Tools” toolbar.
  • Highlights where to click in Shape interface to access client-level PPC reports

  • Step #3 - On the Client Reports page, click “Live Client Dashboard”.
  • The client-level reports page where Shape users can access the Live Client Dashboard

  • Step #4 - Log in to Google if you’re asked to do so. Then click “Open Report” to go directly to the report.
  • The form where Shape users enter their contacts' email addressess to share the Live Client Dashboard Report with them

For more detail on launching and sharing client-level reports, as well as the rest of our In-Platform Reports, check out the In-Platform Reports section in Shape’s Knowledge Base.

Who Should I Share the Live Client Dashboard with?

Clients! The Live Client Dashboard is a client-facing performance report that displays PPC performance and spend data for a given client in Shape. As part of the launch, we've also added a PPC Client Performance Report.

We highly encourage you to generate and share client-level reports with each of your clients individually. Doing so allows your clients to monitor how their Budgets and campaigns are performing against their targets on an ongoing basis. Best of all, since the dashboard automatically refreshes every day, clients don’t need to request reports every reporting cycle.

Live Client Dashboards are helpful to share with clients (or coworkers) who don’t have access to Shape, but who would find current PPC performance data useful. The report displays client-level performance metrics, but also includes pacing and performance data by Budget and campaign. Likewise, there are several charts that highlight how Budgets and campaigns are performing against certain criteria (such as performance by ad network, cost/conversions by Budget, and highest/lowest performing campaigns by CPA and conversions.

How To Launch Your Own:


More about Shape Reports:

What are In-Platform Reports?

Launching In-Platform Reports

Accessing In-Platform Reports (for Non-Shape Users)

Company-Level In-Platform Reports

Client-Level In-Platform Reports

Budget-Level In-Platform Reports

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